by Sam | Nov 24, 2020 | Course Creation
How do you define an avatar..wait, what IS an avatar? If you heard the word “avatar”, what would you think of? That blue creature from the movie a few years ago An icon or figure representing a particular person in video games, Internet forums, etc. Your business’s...
by Sam | Nov 2, 2020 | Course Creation
I want to chat with you about something really near and dear to my heart: the trap of the DIY entrepreneur. I’ve been this person off and on, for so many years. The year I wasn’t trying to DIY my business, success came in leaps and bounds. The...
by Sam | Oct 26, 2020 | Course Creation
What is the difference between a course creator and a teacher? Simple as can be, NOTHING! For the love of all that is good in this world, PLEASE understand that if you want to teach something – ANYTHING, you are now wearing the hat of a TEACHER! Whether you are...
by Sam | Oct 20, 2020 | Course Creation
If you are a parent, your kid’s school or school district has probably thrown around the terms synchronous and asynchronous. By now, you’ve figured out that is just a fancy way to say virtual and in-person learning. BUT, that is exactly where the problems...
by Sam | Sep 29, 2020 | Course Creation
In a world hyper focused on education and learning due to COVID-19 there have been a lot of fingers pointing and name calling. But let’s get one thing clear, we are all in this together! All that negativity only continues to breed more animosity and hate. Education is...
by Sam | Aug 11, 2020 | Course Creation
We all had a favorite teacher at some point in our academic lives. For some it was that gentle elementary teacher who made subjects come alive when all you wanted to do was play outside. Or the middle school teacher who helped you through that awkward stage of...
by Sam | Aug 6, 2020 | Course Creation
So, you want to share your expertise and make money – AWESOME! But you want to insist that you aren’t a teacher. Why? That’s where you lose me. I am confused at why you, the awesome person you are, who has all your genius and life experiences does not see themselves...
by Sam | Feb 25, 2020 | Business
Do you ever feel like your small business feels just like a family? If you are a small business owner it can certainly feel like it with all the craziness and dynamics between your employees ! Let’s take a look at the dynamics of small business. The Good and The Bad ...
by Sam | Feb 18, 2020 | Business
Today we’re talking about working with people who are your complete opposite. There are many times in business that you meet people who you do not click with and feel as though they would not be a good fit for your business based on these superficial...
by Sam | Feb 12, 2020 | Business
Are you a wife or husband as well as a business owner? If so, you understand the struggle! Let’s be real being a business owner and a spouse can be hard to balance! I’m married, have two kids, and I own my own business and some days after it’s all...