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Happy New Year from the ladies of OmniBiz Services! As we ring in a new decade, we were curious about the origins of different New Years traditions. Also the origin of the concept of making resolutions on New Years Eve.  As we finish our holiday tour around the world, join us as we look at cultural traditions part of New Years celebrations! 

Significance and Soirees 

New Years traditions that are celebrated in most countries are fraught with meaning, focusing on the themes of luck and prosperity. Foods resembling coins, such as black-eyed peas and lentils, are consumed by many people in hopes that the new year will bring wealth. In several countries including Cuba, Austria, Hungary, and Portugal, pigs are viewed as creatures that represent progress and prosperity. Therefore, pork and pork products are served for New Years dinner. Ring-shaped foods such as cakes and pastries symbolize the year beginning and ending, as are traditional in the Netherlands, Greece, and Mexico. Swedish and Norwegian people often will make a rice pudding with a hidden almond inside the pudding. Whoever finds the almond is supposed to have good luck throughout the year. Fireworks and songs like Auld Lang Syne are a popular way to ring in the New Year throughout the world. 

Resolution Roundup

Many people make a New Years resolution as a way to achieve a goal in the coming year. This practice is said to come from the ancient Babylonians, who made resolutions to earn favor with the gods. According to Parade, some of the most common resolutions include exercise and weight loss goals, financial makeovers, and giving up a vice such as drinking or smoking.

The odds are against those who make New Year’s resolutions, however. Up to 80% of people who make a resolution break it by mid-February. There are several theories behind this phenomenon. One of that most resolutions are too hard-line and unrealistic. Another is that even the word “resolution” places too much pressure on people. In the past few years, the practice of choosing a word of the year has become increasingly popular. This approach has been used by Melinda Gates and other celebrities to focus on realistic, attainable goals. 

Our Resolutions

Some of the ladies on OmniBiz Services have shared their words of the year, and their reasons behind choosing those words Director of Operations Sam’s word is “boundaries”, because “boundaries help provide me opportunities to grow”. Project Manager Alexys’ word is “grow” because “I believe if you’re not growing, you’re dying. So I’m really continuing to work on self-growth and mindset and not letting as many things “slip through the cracks”. Blogger and Course Creator Nicole’s word is “plant”, because she is going to spend 2020 planting the seeds for a new adventure! 


Want to choose your own word? Check out this article from The Goal Chaser to find your word, and be sure to share it with us below! 

On behalf of the whole OmniBiz Services team, we want to wish you a very happy New Year! We are looking forward to working with you in 2020!!!!