What are your goals for your business? Are they written down and visible? Are they clearly communicated to your partners and employees? Most importantly…are they SMART?
How Do I Get SMART with my Goals?
First, let’s take a look at what each of the letters in the SMART acronym stands for. This will give you a general idea of what should be included in your goals. Later, we will look at more specific information about each part of a SMART goal.
S- specific
M- measurable
A- achievable
R- realistic
T- time-bound
Any goals that you set for yourself or your business should be specific! Instead of saying “I want to make a lot of money”, set a number. Try saying “I want to net $150,000 this year.” This is a broad goal, but setting a specific value will help you write shorter-term goals as well.
You also need a way to know that you’ve achieved your goal! If one of your goals is “Get a better marketing campaign”, you have no way to measure “better”. A SMART goal gives a way to measure success. For example, you might say “After I hire OmniBiz Services to do my social media marketing, I will have ongoing ads to my target audience on Facebook and Instagram a minimum of 7 times per week”. (See what we did there? OmniBiz Service can definitely help you achieve your SMART goals!)
Don’t set yourself up for failure! Make your SMART goals things that you can reasonably achieve within your designated time frame. If you achieve it before then, then set another, more difficult SMART goal!
We all know that with hard work, what seems impossible can sometimes be achieved. However, you may need to set some smaller, more realistic goals before achieving the big one. For example, you may set a goal of hiring 5 people this year. However, you might not be able to afford to do this right away. Hiring 5 people wouldn’t be fair to you, them, or your business! A more realistic goal of hiring 2 people may need to be set, with an additional 3 coming next year.
A goal without a time frame in which to complete it can drag on forever! Preface your goals by saying something like “By the end of the year…”, “In three months…….”, or “Within six months…”. This gives you a date or time frame to strive for!
We Can Help You Get SMART!
Let OmniBiz Services help you reach your SMART goals! Check us out on our Facebook and LinkedIn to see all of the things that OmniBiz Service can do for you!